Thursday, February 5, 2009

Beyond The Destiny.....

Very well said by someone:

"Surya akela hi kafi hai jag ka timir mitane ko,
 Tum chaho to aaj badal do iss itihaas purane ko...."

How meaningful these lines are !!

I always found these lines very strong with a splendid message behind it. What it takes to become self-motivated, especially in a situation when everyone around you is demotivating you..... Its not an easy task to maintain your own morale in difficult times.
But if you are able to do it, then a hope is always there for you. Destiny can be  at your feet, if you so desire. Keep on moving, if you think you are right...never bother about others.
They will always open their mouth whether you are right or wrong..but  they actually do not care about what you do, think or want.
I again appreciate those lines.....Today there is a need of more no. of such "SUN".



Anonymous said...

Good ideas...

Anonymous said...

nice saransh of the line.......nice inculcation of ideas in your mind and good transformation of those ideas into words,inspiring post,but fall a little bit short of being awesome........very close this time of being perfect!

sneha said...

nice thoughts....

sneha said...

nice thoughts....who u talking about though...